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  • Writer's pictureMary-Kate

5 Tips for Tackling Theme Parks in the Rain

Updated: Sep 6, 2019

Ah, rain. The calming sound of raindrops mixed with the cool, breezy atmosphere. It's hard to fight the urge to just cancel all of your plans and curl up with a cozy blanket - so relaxing! However, when you're standing in the middle of a theme park with squishy socks and a dripping camera, rain can be anything BUT enjoyable.

When you have a vacation planned and the weather forecast has you feeling discouraged, don't panic!

Follow these 5 simple tips to ensure you're prepared for an enjoyable day in the parks, even when the weather isn't looking so magical!

“When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles.” - Winnie the Pooh

With that quote from the sweetest bear around in mind, let's JUMP right in!

1. Pack a raincoat

This is pretty self-explanatory, but this is the most important item to pack for your trip! Sure, an umbrella is also an option, but always keep in mind that Florida winds can get a little gusty during an afternoon shower or thunderstorm. Forgot to pack a raincoat because planning your cute theme park outfits was top of mind? No worries! The parks will always sell rain jackets and ponchos for both adults and children. Pro Tip: Invest in the ponchos! They are cheaper, and easier to consolidate once the rain inevitably passes.

2. Baseball cap? I'd pack one.

You might be thinking... "A hat? Why would I wear a hat when the sun isn't shining?" I'm so glad you asked! A raincoat or poncho hood can only cover so much of your head, and your face tends to be left out in the elements to fend for itself. Wearing a baseball cap will shield your face and keep it dry during a heavy rain shower!

3. Water shoes are a MUST

From Crocs to Chacos, no matter your style, the point is to simply avoid the dreaded wet sock sensation... shudder. Don't suffer through a long day in the parks with squishy sneakers! Be sure to pack some sandals, simple flip flops, or even a pair of rain boots.

Pro Tip: If there's a slight chance of rain for the day, go ahead and wear your comfortable tennis shoes. Pack your water shoes away in your backpack or stroller and change as needed!

4. Check the forecast, then check it again

This is essential for any trip, but especially if you're traveling to Florida. It may be known as the Sunshine State, but it's also the Weather is Ridiculously Unpredictable State (unofficially coined by yours truly). Always check the weather for the duration of your trip in advance, and pack accordingly. However, it shouldn't stop there. Be sure to check the weather each morning before you leave your hotel, because it can always change! Pro Tip: Download a weather tracking app and set your location as your vacation destination. Set up alerts to stay in the know at all times!

5. Don't get discouraged

Of course you don't want it to rain during your magical vacation. You've put so much time and energy into planning every second of every day, so it's natural to feel like Mother Nature has decided to betray you.

Don't let the clouds make you blue! Stay positive by keeping these benefits in the back of your head:

Rain means...

- Low theme park crowd levels!

- Short wait times for rides!

- The special parade substitute at Magic Kingdom: Rainy Day Cavalcade!

- Indoor and covered character meets continue operating!

Just to name a few.

So, during your next vacation, don't let a little bit of rain make you frown. Wear your poncho, baseball cap and water shoes and be sure to play in the puddles!

Do you have any tips or suggestions for surviving a rainy day? Comment your ideas below!

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